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"The WPA as Labor Activist” in Toward More Sustainable Metaphors of Writing Program Administration, edited by

Lilian Mina, Lydia Wilkes, and Patti Poblete, Utah State University Press


Lab & Laughing = Learning: Using Impairment Goggles to Teach Science Practices with Lindsey Roper and Carrie Jo

Bucklin in The American Biology Teacher.


Freedom in Limits: Using Demi-Rubrics to Assess Creative Work in Imaginative Teaching: A User’s Guide to Creative

Writing in Secondary Classrooms edited by Amy Ash, Michael Dean Clark, & Chris Drew, Bloomsbury Academic.

Body of Work: OERs in an Integrated Anatomy and First-Year Writing Class with Lindsey Roper and Rebekah Smith,

in The American Biology Teacher.

Maintaining a Humanistic Center: Rhetorical Humanism as a Holistic Framework for Writing Programs in Composition


Horace’s Odes as the ‘Hidden Rhetoric’ of the Principate, 27 BCE to 14 CE in Rhetoric Review.

Snapshots of Identification: Kenneth Burke's Engagements with T.S. Eliot in Rhetoric Society Quarterly.

Something to Push Up Against: Using Theory as Creative Pedagogy with Kimberly Quiogue Andrews in Dispatches

from the Classroom, edited by Chris Drew, Joseph Rein, and David Yost. Continuum.

My research is in three related areas: (1) writing pedagogy, (2) writing program administration, and (3) the intersections of rhetoric and poetics, particularly how poetry has historically been used to create social change.





Southern Utah University

Introduction to Academic Writing
Foundations of Honors
Intermediate Writing, Writing About Technology
Intermediate Writing, Writing About Poverty
Jumpstart, Integrated General Education program
Introduction to Creative Writing, Multi-Genre

Grant and Technical Writing, Semester in the Parks

History and Theory of Rhetoric

Advanced Poetry
Labor Rhetoric, Special Topic
Foundations of Rhetoric and Argumentation (graduate)


Pennsylvania State University, University Park


Rhetoric and Composition
Introduction to Creative Writing, Multi-Genre
Business Communication
Introduction to Poetry
Advanced Technical Writing


When we teach writing, we are actively and daily reshaping the world to be more peaceful, more understanding, more just, and more humane. Each day and for the rest of their lives, our students will wake up and write their world into existence. We get to help them make it a good one.


As a Writing Program Administrator, I am especially concerned with systemic barriers to student success in General Education classes, and how we might build more equitable approaches to writing instruction via both pedagogy and administration.



Selected Presentations:


Addressing Structural Inequities in General Education Classes through Integrative Teaching with Anne Diekema.

AAC&U Conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success, 2021 (Poster Presentation).


The Co-Requisite Model: Integrating GE Courses to Promote Equity and Student Success with Anne Diekema.

Featured Presentation, Utah System of Higher Education Virtual GE Conference, 2020 (Slide Deck with Audio).



More on our Writing Program at SUU:


Maintaining a Humanistic Center in Composition Forum.





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